Platform for integrating AI into all spheres of life, bringing together people, goods, and information, and meeting most life needs

Neuron uniting people around the world through modern technology

90+ countries

Users from countries have chosen our platform

110+ languages

Languages for barrier-free communication

Technologies and society are ready for changes in the inefficient interactions between economic entities

Our Partners

Neuron AI

The shortest path to solving your challenges

AI tools

Our artificial intelligence tools can help you stand out among professionals and improve your social media presence.

Neuron Network

for experts and companies

Use all benefits of Neuron Network

Earn money with your knowledge

Earn money through consulting and teaching

Create your Expert Avatar

Create a free digital avatar to represent you in our expert community

Get your Digital Business Сard

gateway to engaging with a network of professionals

Message Hub

Centralized Approach to Communication

Message Hub enables you to receive messages from social networks, telephony, messengers, and websites, processing them with AI in one place. It offers quick access to messengers for corporate and personal communication, eliminating the need to switch between apps.


message icon whatsapp icon telegram icon

Social networks

facebook icon instagram icon twitter icon linkedin icon linkedin icon


telephony icon


website icon

In this communication hub, social interaction takes precedence over information and goods

Neuron Network for experts and companies

Grow yourself and your income

Use all benefits of Neuron Network

Earn money with your knowledge

use benefits card image


Earn money through consulting and teaching

use benefits card image

Educational Programs

Earn money through consulting and teaching

How We Make Your Life Easier

Create your Expert Avatar Sign Up now and receive a free digital avatar to represent you in our expert community

The expert AI avatar operates around the clock, leveraging advanced artificial intelligence technologies to represent you as an expert within the Neuron Expert Network, and autonomously schedules consultations with clients.

  • Easily trained with your profile data
  • Never sleeps and always in a good mood
  • Speaks all languages
  • Remembers everything and won't succumb to dementia
  • Will never resign from you
* No credit card required
Get your Digital Business Сard

A business card provides a unique opportunity for specialists and companies to present themselves in the modern world. It's much more than just a name and phone number on a card — it's a digital presentation of your professional image

Message Hub

Centralized approach to communication

Message Center allows receiving messages from social networks, telephony, messengers, websites, and processing them with AI in a single place.

Connect quick access to messengers for corporate and personal communication without having to switch between apps


message icon whatsapp icon telegram icon

Social networks

facebook icon instagram icon twitter icon linkedin icon linkedin icon


telephony icon


website icon

Modern Workflow


Receiving messages from all sources


Process all incoming messages using AI


Send notifications about the most interesting topics through convenient messengers


Respond to most messages in automatic mode