July 4, 2024, 4:45 a.m.

Chinese premier calls for nations to bridge ‘intelligence gap’ in AI - South China Morning Post

Chinese Premier Li Qiang called for more inclusive development of artificial intelligence (AI) and bridging the intelligence gap at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai. He emphasized the need for countries to work together to create a fair and open environment for AI development in order for more nations to benefit from the emerging technology. This call for inclusivity follows a recent UN resolution, sponsored by China, which urges equal opportunities for developing countries to benefit from AI.

Li also highlighted the potential challenges and risks of AI and called for global cooperation and the establishment of international norms in AI governance. He stated that China is willing to work with all countries to promote AI for global development and enhance human well-being. China has been actively involved in the global development of AI and has offered practical experience for AI governance.

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