June 29, 2024, 3:50 a.m.

Bill Maher Talks Artificial Intelligence, Biden’s Brain, And Guys Who Need Game - Deadline

Bill Maher's Real Time wasted no time in discussing the recent presidential candidates' battle and the aftermath of Joe Biden's performance. Maher opened the show with some pointed remarks, pointing out that Trump wouldn't have been able to get away with his fabrications if Biden had been present. This theme carried over to the panel discussion, where former presidential candidate and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard tried to inject some common sense into Maher and guest Chris Matthews' tirades. The general consensus was that the decision to continue his campaign rests with Biden. As Matthews put it, "It's his call. He has the delegates. There's nothing else to be done. " Even if Biden decides to step aside, Gabbard believes there won't be much change on the horizon. "I don't think it will make a difference. Joe Biden's policies, which have been detrimental to our country, will persist. " Even Maher himself, who has consistently claimed he would vote for Biden if faced with a Trump clash, admitted, "They're sticking with this guy, and he's going to lose. It's painfully obvious. " He later added, "I feel deserted.

I don't have anyone to vote for. " During his one-on-one interview, Maher spoke with Ray Kurzweil, the inventor, futurist, and author of the bestseller The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI. Kurzweil is renowned for his prediction that AI will reach human-level intelligence by 2029, a theory he proposed at the turn of the century. Now, his forecast is that humans will achieve a sort of immortality by merging with AI and other technologies, becoming a "hybrid species" within the next two decades. Kurzweil acknowledges the potential dangers but suggests that the focus should be on enhancing ourselves with AI rather than viewing it as an adversarial relationship. "It's not us versus AI. We will augment ourselves with AI, " he explained. In Maher's "New Rules" editorial, he presented a humorous TED Talk-style segment on what young men need to do to attract young women, highlighting the importance of G. A. M. E. G. A. M. E. starts with G: "Go outside, grooming, and Goodwill" – the latter referring to improving one's appearance through acquiring better clothes. Maher jokingly mentioned examples like Tommy Lee and Johnny Depp but emphasized that individuals should remember they are not those celebrities. A represents "Act Normal" – avoiding eccentric behaviors like ordering dinner in fictional languages or sporting unsettling facial hair. M signifies "Man up!Approach women to make them like you. " Maher added, "The simplest pickup line is 'hello. '" Finally, E stands for "Eye contact. Put down your phone if you want to make a connection. " You can watch the full segment in the video above.

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