June 28, 2024, 9:30 p.m.

Slack's AI is saving users 97 minutes a week, but workers aren't sure what to do with their free time - Fortune

As your tenure at an organization grows longer, you find yourself becoming involved in more Slack channels, making it increasingly difficult to eliminate the noise. Even Fortune has not been immune to this channel buildup and the platform's well-known clicking noise, with writers engaging in chats that cover a wide range of topics, from breaking news to local food recommendations and commentary on recent football games. Managing Slack can become a job of its own. However, with the incorporation of AI and the reduction of mundane tasks, users now face the challenge of how to effectively utilize their newfound free time. AI presents a time predicament Slack's AI capabilities alleviate the laborious task of searching the messaging app for important information. The software includes a "recap" function that provides users with a summary of incoming messages, prioritizing what matters most. Customers, including tech giants like OpenAI, Spotify, and Uber, are streamlining their workflows by integrating Slack with other platforms such as Asana, a work management app. AI is also making an impact across Europe. Denise Dresser, Slack's CEO, who has been in her position for seven months at the Salesforce-owned messaging app, highlighted a study by Workforce Lab. This study reveals that U. K.

users are taking advantage of the writing assistant feature, while French users largely use it for summarization. Germany leads the way in AI adoption, with 36% of desk workers relying on the technology. Workers in the country are more inclined to automate their work compared to their counterparts in other European nations. Early results indicate that the push for automation is paying off. According to Slack, its AI tool, Slack AI, saves users 97 minutes per week of administrative time. However, this progress has also generated a new problem: many workers are uncertain about how to effectively utilize their extra time. "They were still focusing on the work of work, which means we haven't fully shifted our operational and mindset approach to embark on new endeavors, " Dresser explains, reflecting on the findings of the Workforce Lab study. She further adds, "When I meet with executives and discuss the future of AI, we strongly believe that a platform must serve as a command center for work powered by AI, driving efficiency. However, it is also crucial to consider the necessary changes in the operating model that leaders must drive. " These findings raise important questions about how AI will enhance work, replace certain roles, and potentially create new ones. The debate about whether the conventional five-day workweek will eventually become obsolete due to AI is also ongoing, presenting users with the option to either have more leisure time or choose to work more. Dresser, on the other hand, plans to utilize her free time to engage with clients and remains optimistic that AI will continue to enhance employees' workflows. "I genuinely believe it will be one of the most significant productivity boosters we have ever witnessed, truly unlocking human potential, " Dresser states. "It will likely create more jobs, and I find that prospect exciting. "

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